Dickey Racing 2025 Season Opener
NOLA Motorsport Park, New Orleans
March 21-23
Visit : www.dickeyracing.com
Richard Dickey is a Purdue graduate, Engineer and worked in Nuclear Construction and Aerospace Field, He moved his race shop from Texas in 2015 and continues his racing career as a roadracer and supports CSCC. We provide many different types of Seasonal Farming Services.
Columbus Sports Car Club Schedule for Solo Events http://www.cscc-scca.org
Heidi-1959 Austin Healy Bugeye DP class
Richard Dickey has been Road Racing since 1981. Currently driving an
Mazda RX 8 Competing Touring Class 4
Removal of select trees. We relieve Sloan's Branch of Blockage. Erosion caused by upstream legal drain "Ditching". Then haul to Pike's Lumber Company
Big Solar Companies -targeting 7000-8000 acres of fertile Bartholomew County farmland to be turned into Large Commerical Solar fields
Let's NOT lose acres of Fertile Land to Solar Panels!
Support us!
Sign The Petition
Sign a petition. Let your commissioners know your concerns. Attend a public forum. Write a letter to the editor. Contact your local county and Indiana state elected officials as well as your US Congressperson and Senator. Educate your neighboring landowners about the long-term costs and risks. Be BOLD, Be GRACIOUS, and Stay INFORMED!
Get Educated about Large Solar Development and Impact
Bartholomew Co Indiana:
The Impact What will be the impact to our local economy and school systems if families choose to live in areas away from ugly and potentially harmful commercial installations?
Solar Panel Wasteland
Friends and family hiking on Sloan's Branch- heading towards " Inspiration Point " - Clifty Creek approx 3500 ft one way hike from the Dickey Farm house.
Seasonally we harvest Black Walnuts and drive to Harmon's Walnut for Packing & Shipping. Our Classified Forest of approximately 28 acres has abundant Walnut Timber!
Helpful Resource:
Invasive Species: http://www.sicim.info/
Join Weed Wranglers
Abundance of Native Indiana Ferns
City Of Columbus, IN Filed a petition with Bartholomew County Drainage Board on January 15, 2020 asking th Board to regulate the section downstream of Talley Road to connect Clifty Creek. The Lower section of Sloan Branch (Dickey Farm Property) has been unregulated since 1821. Some residents within the Sloan Branch watershed questioned the need for regulating this section of the creek and the need for improvements to the channel. The City retained Christopher B.Burke Engineering, Ltd to study the creek and potential solutions to flooding problems. The Study included the existing conditions and various propsed improvements, including the planned replacement of the bridge on Talley Road.
In order to complete the study, Burke developed a digital model of the Sloan Branch watershed, including upstream and downstream areas.
1-Updated Flooding mapping was developed based on current conditions for 10-yr,25 yr,50 yr,and 100 year conditions
2-Proposed conditions were then modelled and mapped over of the flood level maps
3-Proposed conditions included the Talley Road Bridge improvements and the straightening/ clearing ( Ditching) of the lower end of Sloan Branch
Clearing and straightening of the lower reach of Sloan Branch was foung to little or NO Impact on Flooding along the section of Sloan Branch near PArairie Streams, Presidential Parks or Eastridge Manor.
Regulating, Urban- Ditching the lower end of Sloan Branch will destroy natural wildlife, forest, habitats and vegetation." The City, County and property owners finally Acknowledged this important point: When Clifty Creek Backs UP! As result of high frequency of Precipitation, Sloan Branch will Back as well.
Citizens must continue to incourage the Bartholomew County Drainage Board & Commissioners, City of Columbus to collect more steam Flow data, flood level data, water quality data, erosion studies and address the data facts before destruction of a natural stream and regulation by government on private property.
White River History-White River: https://friendsofwhiteriver.org/about-white-river/river-history
Flooding Information Portal= Flood Safety
The Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management was founded in 1996 by professionals interested in and responsible for floodplain and stormwater management in the State of Indiana. INAFSM members include federal, state, and local agency staff, engineers, consultants, planners, elected officials, members of academia, students, and floodplain residents. We offer continuing education through various events including our annual conference and other events such as high water mark training. Click here to learn about continuing education credits that can be earned at INAFSM events.
Flooding Information Portal= Flood Safety
Get to know our watershed! Clifty Creek Watershed
Gathered by the Watershed Project Steering Committee an increased occurrence of urban/suburban runoff, E. coli, pesticide, nutrient, and sediment levels, as well as continued illegal dumping to be primary sources of water quality degradation in theClifty Creek, threatening the health of the creek and its recreational value was identified.It was the belief of the Committee that these contaminants continue to influence tributaries and main stem portions of Clifty Creek due to:
In response to the identified problems, the Committee outlined the following goals for water quality improvement:
These goals provide direction for specific objectives and action items identified in this plan for the improvement of water quality in the Clifty Creek Watershed. Implementation of the ideas outlined in this pan have already begun, and the Committee will utilize funds from a 2-year Section 319 Clean Water grant to install conservation practices, support educational programming, and improve overall project quality.
Indiana Association for Floodplain & Storm water Management https://inafsm.memberclicks.net/2018-conference
In October 2008, the USGS, in Cooperation with FEMA and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Water, released Open File Report 2008-1322, Flood of June 7–9, 2008, in Central and Southern Indiana. The flood inundation maps published in Appendix 2 of the report are now available as downloadable GIS files. The files contain flood-peak water surface elevation data and water depth data and related metadata. These raster data layers are in ERDAS IMAGINE format with an img file extension. The layers can be exported to different types of raster data using appropriate GIS software packages.
The files are available at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/1322/
Bartholomew County Property Owners since 1843. 5th Generation Family farming service starting with David Dickey who married Elizabeth McCullough in 1867 and fought Civil War 1861 Company B,then son Harry married Nannie Burnett, tilled the land and built up the farm. 3rd Generation David B.Dickey married Ruth Nienaber after graduating from Culver Military Academy and serving as Lt.Col in the Indiana State Guard. They had 3 children, one of which was Henry Dickey. Hank was a Sargent in WWII, married wife Ann in Germany after the war, came home to work the farm, and eventually became a tool and die maker with McKee Engineering and PECO. Ann became a public accountant from the early 60's into the next century. Their children Richard and Gretel now own the Farm properties and Walnut Timber forest . Gretel moved to West Lafyette after graduating from Purdue, she has Gretel's Fine Gifts Shoppe. Richard and his wife Heidi are currently working their Dickey Seasonal Farm preserving their farm heritage, homestead, their goal: Protecting Streams and God's natural woodlands that flank natural stream- "Sloan Branch" & Clifty Creek .
Alternations available Just another type of Farming Service we provide, Please call to make an appointment.
See Contact us page below
Sign up to hear from us about Protecting Streams such as:Sloan's Branch, specials, sales, farming service and events.
6675 25th Street, Columbus, Indiana 47203, United States